Beatrice from the Esurance commercials.
You've probably all seen the E-surance Car Insurance commercial: three ladies in a living room, and you immediately notice there are an unusual amount of pictures on the wall. Beatrice (pictured above) is proudly telling her friends how she has saved a ton of money on posted by posting all of her vacation photos to her wall (a reference to Facebook's wall). She compares those savings to how she saved 15% in just 15 minutes on her car insurance (an obvious reference to GEICO, a competitor of E-surance). Her friend remarks, "I saved more than that in half the time!" Beatrice responds by saying, "I un-friend you!" Her friend stands up and proclaims, "That's not how it works! That's not how ANY of this works!"
E-surance is trying to communicate that they have set the new standard in insurance. Poor Beatrice is portrayed as being behind the times and misunderstanding the new norm. The chief priests, scribes, and elders at the crucifixion of Christ were a lot like Beatrice. They didn't understand how things worked.
E-surance is trying to communicate that they have set the new standard in insurance. Poor Beatrice is portrayed as being behind the times and misunderstanding the new norm. The chief priests, scribes, and elders at the crucifixion of Christ were a lot like Beatrice. They didn't understand how things worked.
"So also the chief priests, with the scribes and elders, mocked him, saying, 'He saved others; he cannot save himself. He is the King of Israel; let him come down now from the cross, and we will believe in him." (Matthew 27:41-42)It is at this time that Beatrice's friend shouting, "That's not how it works! That's not how any of this works!" would be appropriate. The Jewish leaders of the day said that if only Jesus would save himself from the cross, they would believe. But that is not how it works. Jesus was meant to die that day.
"Indeed, under the law almost everything is purified with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins." (Hebrews 9:22)The leaders of the day understood the connection between the shedding of blood and sins, but they had an incomplete view of it. Their system up until that point had called for the shedding of blood of animals, not an actual human (despite God prophesying that the Messiah would come and shed his blood for the forgiveness of sins, cf. Isaiah 53). It is the blood of Christ that cleanses the sin of those who are obedient to God, let us never forget that.